Help create new flower gardens for Loughborough Junction, events in May and June.

Two young garden designers Natalie Plaisence and Marion Palmer have secured funding for a beautiful new planting scheme at the junction of Coldharbour Lane and Loughborough Road by the billboards. They have been growing lovely white and scented annuals in the greenhouses at Myatts Fields Park and they will be ready to plant out in early June. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.


Sunday 18 May, 2-4pm Growing flowers at Myatt’s Fields Park greenhouses

Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 June, 11am-4pm Planting the flowers in Loughborough Junction

Saturday 28 June, 2-4pm Tidy up session at Loughborough Junction

Saturday 19 July, 2-4pm Tidy up session at Loughborough Junction